KD & Coronavirus

Dear All,

You are no doubt unsettled by the current uncertainty surrounding Coronavirus and we completely sympathise. We are keen to minimise any concern, so we want to let you know that we’re taking necessary precautions at Kelling Designs.

We are following advice from the Government & WHO and are closely monitoring daily updates on the virus, in order to ensure that we are acting in the best interests of our team, clients and the wider community.

As of this afternoon and until further notice, we have taken the decision to work from home. We will continue to do what we do best and help to create beautiful homes, from our own. Keep an eye on our website and social media where we will be sharing lifestyle ideas & design tips over the coming days and weeks, supporting our clients and customers efforts to Keep Calm and Carry On through this tricky time.

As you may also be following suit and will be more likely to shop online over the coming weeks, we are pleased to tell you that our online shop is operating as normal and we will be endeavouring to ensure that parcels arrive safely and on time. There may, in the future, be some interruption to our delivery service, but we will keep you updated at all times.

We thank you for your continued support during these uncertain times.

Stay safe and look after each other.

With best wishes,
Emma & The Kelling Team