Stay Happy

Dear all,

During this strange time, we are hoping, as ever, to bring a little light to your lives. Our blogs & instagram posts aim to do just that - stay tuned for more!

With best wishes to all, from the Kelling Team. X

What to do during the Coronavirus?!

Don’t be too strict on yourself, this is a strange time for everybody, and we should not be punishing ourselves any more than we need to. Some days you may feel motivated to get up, put proper clothes on (this really helps!) and go for a walk and other days you might not and that is okay. We spoke to Georgia Hearn founder of Clean Geeg to hear her 5 top tips on how to look after yourself and others during this time. 


  1. Stay hydrated. Keep a reusable water bottle with you around the house and sipping from it little and often, don’t wait until you are thirsty.

  2. Exercise your right to getting out of the house once a day and go on a walk. We are extremely lucky that our government recognises that getting out of the house will do wonders for our mental health. Head to your local park and try and surround yourself with nature.

  3. Give yourself a few things to do. Take up a new hobby to keep your mind focused. I have taken to knitting and it is very therapeutic! I have also recently signed up to the Red Cross to help those struggling during this time. You can sign up here: BritishRedCross.

  4. Do not stockpile, we have been told that we will not be running out of food anytime soon, so help to look after others by only buying what you need. Use recipes where you can interchange vegetables like a Frittata, so you can be more flexible on what you can use. 

  5. If you are looking after your family during this time, the best thing you can do is plan ahead and freeze meals for the week. I suggest sticking to protein rich dishes, such a spaghetti Bolognese or a veggie chilli. 

 To see some of Georgia’s recipes head to the Clean Geeg website or follow her on instgram @cleangeeg


How to help look after your home and your planet? 

  1. Ditch the chemicals found in your cleaning products and buy in bulk. This will improve your indoor air quality and help you save money! Ecover offers a great range of environmentally friendly products, with packaging made from recycled bottles. You can also buy 5L & 15L refills to top up your empty bottle, helping you to use less single use plastic. Check out Big Green Smile for these and greener products.

  2. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Have a mix of new and old and start to look at antique and charity shops for things that you could upcycle and make your own.     

  3. Go for quality over quantity. Everything we buy should be bought with the intention that we will buy it only once, make sure that you really love and appreciate it. Ask about how it was made and learn the story behind it. 

  4. Choose natural paints when painting the inside of your home. The life span of a painter is 14 years shorter than that of the average person due to all of the chemicals found in paint. Soft furnishings will absorb all of these chemicals over time often making your indoor air quality often worse than outside. We love Edward Bulmer’s colourful and chemical free paints, another one of our favourites is Graphenstone paint which absorbs CO2!

  5. Get some indoor plants for your kitchen and sitting room. Plants remove the toxins from the air we breathe making you and your home happier and healthier! Find the right plant for you at Patch.